Friday, October 06, 2006

New Gallup Polls Shows Ford With Sizable Lead

Good news once again for Ford supporters! The newly released USA Today/Gallup poll shows Congressman Ford with a sizable lead over Bob Corker.

Among likely voters, Ford beats Corker by 5 points. When it comes to registered voters, Ford wins by 10. Clearly, like all the other recents polls, this poll shows Ford surging in support while Corker cotinues to sink further and further down.

The findings of the new poll are as follows:

Ford (Dem.) Corker (Rep) Other (vol.) Not voting No opinion
Likely Voters

2006 Sep 27-Oct 1 50 45 1 -- 4
Registered Voters

2006 Sep 27-Oct 1 46 36 1 10 7

2. Why would you say you are voting for this candidate?

2006 Sep 27-Oct 1 All voters Ford voters Corker voters

Like his platform/views/stand on issues 20 19 19 19
Usually support that party/Voting along party lines 19 25 30 18
Better qualified/past experience/good track record 12 12 13 10
Like him 9 7 9 5
Honest/Moral/Has Integrity 8 7 8 6
Don’t like opponent 7 6 4 8
Prefer the more conservative candidate 7 7 1 14
Moral values issues 6 4 2 6
Opponent dishonest/Immoral/Lacks integrity 6 5 4 5
Voting for change 5 3 3 3
Better for/Sympathetic to the common man/average American 4 5 7 3
Immigration issue 4 3 3 3
Opponent running a bad campaign 3 3 4 2
Vote to oppose President Bush 2 2 3 *
Abortion issue 2 2 * 5
Lesser of two evils 2 2 2 2
Dislike opponent’s platform/views/stand on issues 2 1 1 1
His Family/background 2 2 1 4
Vote to support President Bush 1 1 * 1
Education issue 1 1 1 --
Running a good campaign 1 2 2 1
Prefer the more liberal candidate 1 * * *
Iraq war issue 1 1 1 *
Intelligent 1 1 1 *
The economy * * * --
Good leader/leadership qualities * * 1 --
Government corruption issue * * * --
Tax issue * * -- *
Other 2 2 2 2
No reason in particular 2 2 2 3
No opinion 1 2 1 3

3. Next, we’d like to find out how your opinion of George W. Bush will affect your vote for senator. Are you more likely to vote for a candidate who supports Bush, more likely to vote for a candidate who opposes Bush, or will it not make much difference to your vote?

2006 Sep 27-Oct 1 Likely voters Registered voters
More likely to vote for a candidate who supports Bush 27 21
(Much more likely) (22) (17)
(Somewhat more likely) (5) (4)
Does not make much difference 33 34
More likely to vote for a candidate who opposes Bush 37 30
(Much more likely) (31) (25)
(Somewhat more likely) (6) (5)
Not voting -- 10
No opinion 3 5

4. Next, if the elections for Governor were being held today, which candidate would you vote for?

Bredesen (Dem.) Bryson (Rep) Other (vol.) Not voting No opinion
Likely Voters

2006 Sep 27-Oct 1 66 26 1 -- 7
Registered Voters

2006 Sep 27-Oct 1 56 25 1 10 8

Bob has no record to defend and no vision to fight for in this race and his desperation is starting to set in. However, the more he attacks Congressman Ford, the more support Ford gains and he loses.

People want real change this fall, that is why Congressman Ford is winning this election.

And that is why he will be our next U.S. Senator!