Congressman Ford represents a change from the current policies and politics and offers a fresh, solutions-oriented vision that uplifts people, not drag them down.
Since taking power, George W. Bush and the Republican Party have compiled a pretty dismal record on a wide array of issues.
In the past five years under their rule, they have created the single largest government in U.S. history. This government spends more than any in history and has produced historic deficits. It also taxes the middle class more than any other government in history.
Further, under their watch, healthcare costs, college tuition costs, as well as gas and energy costs have all skyrocketed out of control.
Simply put, people are struggling.
Our government needs to be reformed. And Harold Ford Jr. will reform it.
To get a grasp of Congressman Ford's dedication to changing our current course of action, lets have a look at his Covenant with Tennesseans:
1. Pass a constitutional amendment to balance the budget and simplify our tax code so deficits and taxes will come down, investments in education, new jobs and technologies will go up and Tennesseans can start working and earning more.
2. Reduce our dependence on foreign oil by 75% in 10 years (1), maintain the smartest and strongest national security and emergency response strategy at home and abroad, protect our borders and never again send Americans to war without a clear purpose, mission and exit plan.
3. Make healthcare and prescription drugs affordable for seniors, veterans and hard working American families, and ensure that no Tennesseans have to fend for themselves alone during a hard time. (1, 2, 3)
4. Pass a campaign ethics law that gives ordinary people equal say with special interests in Washington.
5. Restore a sense of fairness and morality to the American dream by giving every child in America a fair start in life and guaranteeing college tuition in exchange for national service for all willing to serve their country. (1)
So as you can see, Congressman Ford has a vision in hand and is ready to get to work.
The people of Tennessee and this nation deserve better than what we currently have.
Government should work for everyone, not just a select few.
Harold Ford Jr. understands that. And when he is elected next November, he will work to see that happen.
More: Read about Congressman Ford's passion for the most important issues that face our state and nation today here!