"I listened to the President Today talk about the economy, pension funds and health care. Again, just like his speech about the Iraq war, the President is divorced from reality on what Tennessee business owners, workers, senior citizens and taxpayers are facing. He gave us the same old speech about how his Administration's policies are strengthening the economy. Unfortunately, we in Tennessee aren't feeling all of the growth the President is experiencing.
"I've heard from too many nurses worried about the President's cuts to TennCare, too many seniors who don't understand this prescription drug plan, too many Tennessee workers losing their jobs and health care and too many people distressed about how high their home heating bills will be this winter.
"What the President should have said today was that he would stop the spending spree in Washington, cut the waste out of government and balance the budget for the first time since he has been in office. He should simplify the tax code so that it is fair to everyone - not just millionaires - make college affordable for every student willing to serve their country and pass a new energy bill that promotes the development of farm based and other renewable fuels.
"Finally, the President should simplify the enrollment process for seniors trying to sign up for the Medicare drug plan, and he should reverse his cuts to TennCare because it is making it harder for Tennessee to balance our budget and meet the needs of our citizens.
"Unlike President Bush, our Governor can't just spend and spend and push the debt off to future generations of Tennesseans. The federal government should be forced to balance the budget every year, which is why I support an amendment to the constitution mandating a balanced budget. If President Bush believes in a balanced budget, he should support my call for a constitutional amendment."
Comments: Once again, I applaud Congressman Ford for standing up for what is right.
Under Republican leadership for the past five years, our government has grown bigger than anytime before in history. We also spend more and have the largest deficits than at any other point in history.
This has all happened under George W. Bush.
Folks, clearly, it is time for a change. Harold Ford Jr. provides that change.