It appears that they are back at each others' throats now more than ever.
This time they are fighting over something new: our veterans.
On Friday, Rob Huddleston wrote on his blog, VOLuntarilyConservative, the following:
"Clint Brewer has a good column regarding the 2006 Senate race. However, he did slightly misrepresent the military service records of Hilleary and Bryant (if I can take up for my former boss for a second) by not mentioning Bryant's service record. Yes, Hilleary served as a navigator on a cargo plane in Desert Storm for 4 months and was Air National Guard prior to that, but I would put Ed Bryant's six years of volunteer service in the U.S. Army up against Van's experience. One of Van's genius campaign staff might want to inform him that running on one's military experience works best when the chief competition doesn't have a similar (or even superior) service record."
In response, the pro-Hilleary blog, The Van Wagon, shot back by saying:
"This article represents a shameful tit for tat that certain people want to turn this campaign into. Both Ed Bryant and Van Hilleary served honorably in the military. But to dengrade one man's service, as Huddleston shamelessly does on his blog; that is a morally reprehensible act. The fact of the matter is, Van Hilleary volunteered during Desert Storm and Desert Sheild, where he flew C-130 aircraft. Van's Reserve unit was not recalled; yet like the patriot he is--he served anyhow. And he did so honorably. Even today, Van is an Air Force Reservist. Similarly, I'm sure Ed Bryant's service to the nation at West Point was nothing short of honorable. Both of these men deserve our appreciation and gratitude. We should honor all those who serve overseas in armed conflict and those who serve in more of a support role, like Ed Bryant.
But to belittle Van's service is just an indication of how desperate some factions in this campaign have become. Van Hilleary doesn't deserve to be smeared in this fashion. Van Hilleary has done nothing to warrant these attacks, except serve his country with valor. If Rob Huddleston thinks honorable service to country is a crime, than Van Hilleary pleads guilty. Van served during war time. In doing so, he put his life on the line. Having risked his life, he returns to have that service besmirched by a poltically-motivated blogger.
All our nation's veterans deserve our upmost respect. The people of Tennessee and America owe a debt of gratitude to every man and woman that wears the uniform--that includes Van Hilleary and Ed Braynt. Huddleston should issue an apology to both Ed Bryant and Van Hilleary for subjecting their service to this cheap poltical game."
I happen to agree with what the Van Wagon blog when they say that every American veteran deserves our utmost respect. I come from a long and proud lineage of American veterans, so this issue is near and dear to me.
In my opinion, we should do all we can to support our veterans both on the battle field and on the home front.
All too often politicans do not back their rhetoric up with action and our veterans get the shaft.
Case in point: Ed Bryant and Van Hilleary.
Although both try to portray themselves as friends to our men and women in uniform, their voting records show otherwise.
While in Congress, both Bryant and Hilleary voted time after time to cut veterans benefits.
Listed below are key votes in which Bryant and Hilleary each thumbed their noses at the veterans of America:
- Bryant and Hilleary vote to slash veterans' benefits by $6.7 billion 11/17/1995 Bill information: HR 2491, 1995 Budget-Reconciliation, Source: Washington Times 11/18/95
- Bryant and Hilleary vote to underfund medical care for veterans by voting to fund the program at $400 million below President Bill Clinton's request 11/17/1995 Bill information: HR 2491, 1995 Budget-Reconciliation
- Bryant and Hilleary vote for the fiscal 1996 VA-HUD Appropriations bill that cut total program funding by more than $9 million 12/7/1995 Bill information: HR 2099, Vote #844
- Bryant and Hilleary supports cuts in mandatory spending for veterans' programs by approximately $10.4 billion over five years 6/5/1998 Bill information: H. Con. Res. 284
- Bryant and Hilleary vote against a motion that would recommit the 2000 Omnibus Appropriations Agreement with instructions to the House managers to not agree to any provisions that would lessen appropriations for medical care 11/18/1999 Bill information: Motion to HR 3194, Rejected 212-219
- Bryant and Hilleary vote against a substitute resolution that calls for $12.2 billion more in defense spending, $3.4 billion more in discretionary agricultural spending and $1.1 billion for veterans' health care 3/25/1999 Bill information: Amendment to H. Con. Res. 68, Rejected 134-295
- Bryant and Hilleary vote against fully funding veterans' health programs, including those authorized under the Veterans Millennium Healthcare Act 7/30/01 Bill information: HR 2620
- Bryant and Hilleary vote against a proposal that would provide additional funding for veterans' healthcare under the Fiscal 2003 Continuing Appropriations bill 11/13/02 Bill information: H. J. Res. 124
However, it would help if the Van Wagon and Rob Huddleston would tell their candidates to do the same.
Actions speak louder than words.
Ed and Van should remember that.