That assertion is backed up even more by latest ABC News/Washington Post poll.
"Regardless of your local contest, which party would you like to see in control of Congress after the congressional elections a year from now: the Democrats or the Republicans?" Options rotated
Republicans: 37%
Democrats: 55%
"Overall, which party, the Democrats or the Republicans, do you trust to do a better job in coping with the main problems the nation faces over the next few years?" Options rotated
Democrats: 49%
Republicans: 37%
"Which political party, the Democrats or the Republicans, do you think [see below]?" Parties rotated. Each item asked of half the sample.
"Is more open to the ideas of people who are political moderates"
Democrats: 60%
Republicans: 24%
"Is more concerned with the needs of people like you"
Democrats: 56%
Republicans: 33%
"Better represents your own personal values"
Democrats: 50%
Republicans: 40%
The writing on the wall is clear: a change is-a-coming!
Can you say Senator Harold Ford Jr?