Thursday, June 01, 2006

Where Does Ed Bryant, Van Hilleary, and Bob Corker Stand On Iran?

Where does Ed Bryant, Van Hilleary, and Bob Corker stand on Iran?

The situation with Iran just keeps getting more serious and more pressing with each passing day.

It is about time that the Bush Administration opened a dialogue with Iran about its uranium enrichment program. It is unacceptable for Iran to begin enriching uranium.

Anytime a situation can be resolved peacefully, it should be resolved that way. I am hopeful that, working with our allies in Europe and Asia, we can find a solution to this Iranian situation.

I know Congressman Ford feels the same way.

Earlier this year on Hardball, Ford said that "Diplomacy has to be our first choice of action at the moment," in regards to Iran. (Hear Ford talk about Iran here)

We simply cannot mishandle this situation as we did with Iraq.

We know where Congressman Ford stands on the situation with Iran, but the same cannot be said for Ed Bryant, Van Hilleary, and Bob Corker. They have yet to say one word about the situation.

Do they not have an opinion or view about this pressing issue? One can only hope they do not favor a full fledged assault on Iran and would push for that if elected to the U.S. Senate. But you never know with these guys.

It is simply unacceptable for someone running for the U.S. Senate not to tell the voters where they stand on an important issue like Iran.

Tennessee deserves better.

148 Days

Days of Congressional Inaction on Ethics

Above is the number of days that have passed since Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty to bribing Congressman.

It is also the number of days in which Congress has failed to pass an ethics reform bill that would limit private travel, ski and golf junkets, and would call for a full disclosure of expenses by lobbyists on members of Congress.

It is time for Congress to step up and pass an ethics reform bill that would do all of the above. In addition, it is time to end the pork barrel spending system as we know it and establish an independent ethics commission that would review ethics complaints against members of Congress.

I am proud Congressman Harold Ford Jr. is fighting for that reform!

Read Congressman Ford's call for reform of the House rules here!