Thursday, June 08, 2006

Media: Ford Is A Democrat With A Moderate Record Who Has A Reputation For Working Across Party And Racial Lines

Well folks, I have came across more evidence we can add to our post that makes the argument that Ford is not a liberal.

In an article this week, the Wall Street Journal says of Ford:

"The winner will face Democratic Rep. Harold Ford Jr., who would be the state's first black senator. Mr. Ford has a moderate record and has already run TV ads, although he would have to overcome the state's Republican tilt."

And later in the week, the Associated Press called Ford a Democrat who has a reputation of being able to work across party and racial lines:

"During the campaign this year, Chuck Espy, 31, of Clarksdale, talked about the next generation of black leaders, sometimes comparing himself to two young black politicians who have a reputation for working across lines of party and race - - Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., 44, and Rep. Harold Ford, D-Tenn., 36."

The Republicans may not like to hear it, but the truth is Congressman Ford is a moderate Democrat who has shown that he can work across both party and racial lines to get things done on behalf of the people he represents.

He is exactly what Tennessee needs in their next U.S. Senator--a breath of fresh air!