Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Seriously! What Is Up With Blogging For Bryant's Infatuation With Straw Polls?

Starting a couple weeks back, Blogging for Bryant started posting about straw polls...and have not stopped since.

Every single day it seems Jay Bush manages to squeak out some type of post that is touting Ed Bryant winning a straw poll.

The pace is quiet disturbing.

And what is even worst is that Bush even acknowleges that the polls mean diddly squat.

So why keep posting them and claiming it is evidence that Ed Bryant is the toughest Republican candidate out there?

Probably the same reason the Bryant people stupidly touted the online Zogby poll numbers, which have been proved to be skewed and unreliable.

As I have been saying for months now, Bryant and the Republicans are issue-less and have nothing to offer Tennesseans. Instead, they try to divert people attention to meaningless things such as straw polls while issuing attack after attack on Congressman Ford.

I think we have already saw which candidate and campaign is about the issues and moving our state and nation forward.

The truth is, the only poll that does matter is in November, and I am confident that the people of Tennessee will choose change and make Harold Ford Jr. our next U.S. Senator.