It was only a couple of weeks ago that Corker's opponents labeled him a 'fraud' when it was revealed that Corker had voted twice in Democratic primaries in his life.
However, unlike Paul Harvey, that wasn't the rest of the story. In fact, it was only the beginning.
On Monday it was reported that Bob Corker supports the same Hamilton County school board candidate that the IBEW, The Tennessee AFL-CIO Labor Council and the Tennessee State Electrical Workers and various other labor unions are backing.
Monday's Chattanoogan reported, "Monday was the deadline for local candidates to file financial disclosure reports.... "Kenny Smith reported $10,245 in contributions for his contest for County School Board, District 8. Gifts included $1,000 from the IBEW PAC, Todd Moreland and Joe Gibson and $500 from the Tennessee AFL-CIO Labor Council, Owen Shea, Bob Corker, the Tennessee State Electrical Workers and Joe Farless."
I am anxious to see how Pro-Abortion, Pro-Tax Increase, and Pro-Illegal Immigration Corker explains his latest 'Democratic' slide to his fellow Republicans.
The dysfunction inside the Tennessee Republican Party grows with each passing day.
Stay tuned...
97 Days
Days of Congressional Inaction on Ethics
Above is the number of days that have passed since Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty to bribing Congressman.
It is also the number of days in which Congress has failed to pass an ethics reform bill that would limit private travel, ski and golf junkets, and would call for a full disclosure of expenses by lobbyists on members of Congress.
It is time for Congress to step up and pass an ethics reform bill that would do all of the above. In addition, it is time to end the pork barrel spending system as we know it and establish an independent ethics commission that would review ethics complaints against members of Congress.
I am proud Congressman Harold Ford Jr. is fighting for that reform!
Read Congressman Ford's call for reform of the House rules here!