Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Ford Releases Letter To Senate Majority Leader Frist And House Speaker Hastert Asking For Congress To Reconvene To Address Hurricane Devestation

Congressman Harold Ford sent the following letter to Senate Majority Leader Frist and House Speaker Hastert today:

Dear Senator Frist and Speaker Hastert,

I am writing to urge you to reconvene Congress this Friday, September 2 for a special weekend session so that we can consider all measures that may be necessary to assist in rescue, recovery and reconstruction efforts in states that have been affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Together, you have already demonstrated the leadership necessary to call Congress into special session when circumstances required it. The efforts made by the Senate and the House of Representatives with respect to Terri Schiavo are but one example. I believe that the tragedy unfolding in the Gulf region warrants similar consideration.

I thank you once again for your leadership and hope that you will act promptly to help those who need it most.


Harold Ford