Those revelations basically said that despite warnings and concerns from well respected experts, the Bush Administration has continued to go down a failed path in post war Iraq.
Bob Corker supports Bush's failed path. And if elected, he will be a rubber stamp for Bush and his stay the course strategy in Iraq:
- “And I think we should stay the course.” (Bob Corker on Iraq, 7/16/2006, WREG Memphis debate)
- Corker defends, supports Bush on Iraq: “Corker defended Bush’s resolve and strategy in Iraq. “I support the vision of the Iraqi government that has been on the ground. And I think we need to continue to do that,” Corker said.” (8/31/2006 Nashville City Paper)
- Corker refused to identify whether he differs with Bush on the conduct of Iraq War: “Asked Friday whether he differs with President Bush over the conduct of the Iraq War, Corker declined to identify specific differences yet and said he will lay out issue positions in the next two or three weeks. But he added, "I agree with President Bush on a number of issues and I disagree with him on a number of issues." (8/5/2006 Commercial Appeal)
- Corker says voters aren’t really interested in Iraq: "You really don't hear so much about the war in Iraq — it's actually surprising," said Corker. "You all (in the media) are asking about that issue. It's just not an issue that comes up a great deal on the campaign trail." (7/10/2006 AP/ Tennessean)
- Corker says that the US should not rush to bring troops back from Iraq: “The Valley Beautiful Beacon (2/1, Scalf) recounted Corker's visit last Tuesday to Rogersville, Greeneville and Erwin. In Rogersville, Corker "said of the Iraq War, 'We need to stay there for as long as it takes to get the job done. We are there in an effort to turn over control of the country to the Iraqi people but we [first] need to make sure their country is safe and secure." (2/2/2006 The Frontrunner)
It is time for a U.S. Senator who has some new ideas and strategies that can help us succeed in Iraq.
Vote for change this fall. Vote for Ford.
Congressman Ford's Plan For Iraq
- Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld should be removed. His mismanagement of the Iraq War has set back our chances of winning the conflict, undermined our national security interests in the region and dampened the morale of our troops.
- To stop the escalating sectarian violence in Iraq, we must do what we did successfully in Bosnia through the Dayton Accords: keep the country whole by dividing it into ethnic federations. We should give Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis their own regions, with a central government left in charge of border security and the fair distribution of oil revenue. By guaranteeing each region a fair share of oil revenue and creating a massive jobs program with the help of the oil-rich Gulf states, we can bind each ethnic group and the entire region to the deal and give everyone an incentive to make the country work. This model brought an end to sectarian violence in Bosnia and got Muslims, Croats and Serbs to live together in peace for a decade.
- Undertake a large-scale effort with our allies and moderate Arab regimes to rebuild Lebanon. This will require our resources and active involvement. The best way to undermine Hezbollah’s influence in Lebanon and Iraq is to facilitate the restoration of a stable government.
- We need to re-start the “Alec Station,” the special unit in the C.I.A. dedicated to hunting down and capturing Osama bin Laden and his henchmen. President Bush knows how important bin Laden is, mentioning him 17 times in a speech yesterday. The C.I.A. needs available resource to catch him. Let’s give it to them.
- We must develop a long-term energy plan that reduces our dependence on foreign oil by investing in renewable and alternative energies, like wind, solar, nuclear and by using Tennessee’s and the nation’s agricultural products. We must also improve fuel efficiency by investing in cutting edge technologies like hybrids and advanced diesel engines and increasing mileage standards.