I loved the Reverend's letter so much, that I decided to contact him and asked him if he would write a story on why he supports Congressman Ford over his former pupil, Bob Corker.
He kindly obliged and wrote the following:
My first personal encounter with Harold Ford, Jr. took place on July 4, 2006. Prior to that, I had read about him and seen him on television and was much impressed by that. Various members of my family and I usually spend each Fourth of July at Sewanee, where we enjoy the flag raising ceremony, the food and festivities, and the grand parade down University Avenue.
We were told that Congressman Ford would be riding in this year's parade and we were all looking forward to seeing him. It is not unusual for an elected official to take part in the Sewanee parade, but they always ride in a car--usually a convertible. Our group was located near the end of the parade route, and when the parade ended without our seeing the Congressman, we were confused and disappointed. It was at this point that we learned what had happened. Instead of riding in the parade, Harold Ford, Jr. got out of his car and walked the entire way down University Avenue greeting and talking to everyone who wanted to meet him. He finally arrived at Shennanigan's, a college hangout at the end of the parade route about an hour after the parade ended. He looked fresh and energetic, and continued to mix and mingle with the people gathered there, taking as much time as every individual wanted. He then gave a brief but articulate address to the cheering enthusiastic crowd of supporters. It was a very impressive appearance, and it confirmed every good thing I already knew about him.
I support Harold Ford, Jr. because he is intelligent, articulate, energetic, and because in my opinion, he brings a fresh courageous approach to the issues which concern all Americans today. For the past several years, our national Congress, both House and Senate have struggled and seem to be unable to work together to deal with our country's problems. On of the main reasons for this ineffectiveness in my view, is the extreme and bitter partisanship which seems to prevail in both houses. Congressman Ford is not caught up in the partisanship--is not caught up in being a knee jerk Democrat or a knee jerk anti-Republican. He studies and votes on each issue on its own merits. This leaves the way open for some cooperation across the legislative aisles and results in dealing realistically with the issues at hand. We need such a person representing Tennessee .
Let's work hard to elect Harold Ford, Jr. to the U.S. Senate. We need his fresh, energetic, caring approach.
The Reverend Dr. H. Hunter Huckabay, Jr.