And no wonder. With statements like the following from Jay Bush, one can easily see why no one takes Corker or his henchmen seriously anymore:
Following a rough August, Corker is now clearly the candidate with traction in this race. While Corker is running a sustained statewide ad campaign in tandem with highly effective ads from the NRSC and RNC, the Ford camp is reducing it'’s ad buys in two major Tennessee media markets. The Ford campaign likely timed the release of their highly suspect internal polling to try and undermine Corker's momentum and/or forestall the effect of Ford losing ground in an upcoming independent poll.
Okay Jay, seriously, you need to wake up and smell the coffee.
First of all, Corker doesn't have the traction in this race. As a matter of fact, he has NO traction. He is losing support while Congressman Ford is gaining.
Case in point, look at the following polls:
- July 26th, 2006: Corker 49% Ford 36% Corker +13
- August 10th, 2006: Corker 48% Ford 42% Corker +6
- September 5th, 2006: Corker 45% Ford 44% Corker +1
- August 28th, 2006: Corker 47.5% Ford 44.2% Corker +3.3
- September 11th, 2006:Corker 45.3% Ford 42.6% Corker +2.7
- August 21st, 2006: Corker 42% Ford 44% Ford +2
- September 25th 2006: Corker 39% Ford 46% Ford +7
- September 11th, 2006: Corker 45% Ford 48% Ford +3
Second of all, Jay says that Corker has been running "effective" ads, which have led to Corker's "momentum". Excuse me? But didn't Corker just axe his head media consultant and replaced him with the guy that did the attack ad on Governor Bredesen for Jim Bryson. Apparently Bob didn't think the ads were too effective, as I doubt he would been firing the head of his media operations with only 41 days to go in the election if he thought the ads were cutting it.
Jay Bush has always been known for poor ability to spin. However, this just exemplifies the denial and incompetence in the Corker camp.
This race is far from over. But the writing on the wall right now is clear and it says that Harold Ford Jr. is the one with the momentum in this race. His message of change and his vision of hope is resonating with voters all over Tennessee. The more they hear from him, the more support he gains. While on the other hand, the more folks hear from Corker, the more support he loses.
I don't think any logical observer could disagree with that. (Then again, Jay Bush is not logical)