The first question goes to Bob Corker.
My question for Mr. Corker is, was there a problem in Chattanooga that you ever faced, in which you tried to fix other than by raising taxes on working families?
I mean come on! Judging by his record, it appears Corker never saw a tax hike which he did not like.
Further, wasn't Corker the Finance Commissioner under former Governor Don Sundquist when Sundquist introduced the state income tax?
That could explain a lot.
My second question goes to both Ed Bryant and Van Hilleary.
My question for Mr. Bryant and Mr. Hilleary is simple: Did either of you ever accepted any money from the defense contractor that bribed Duke Cunningham for $2.5 million?
I think that is a fair question to ask considering that it has recently been brought to light that Bryant and Hilleary like to associate themselves and accept money from people such as Tom Delay (1), John Gregory, and Jack Abramoff. (Note: Neither have answered my previous serious questions about potential ethical flaws. 1, 2)
These are all serious questions that the voters of Tennessee expect to be answered.
However, judging by the their past record of answering tough questions, I really do not expect Corker, Bryant, or Hilleary to answer these questions. (1, 2, 3)
Nevertheless, it will be the voters of Tennessee which will have last laugh come November 2006.
More: Blogging for Bryant has more on Bob Corker's record of raising taxes here!
I still await the answers to these serious questions from Ed Bryant and Van Hilleary.