According a recently released analysis from the Cook Political Report, Tennessee's Senate race ranks as only 1 of 4 toss-ups in the entire country. Cook is not alone in his analysis either. Other well respected experts and pundits also believe Ford can win.
They are all backed up by several key facts.
First, the latest Zogby poll showed Congressman surging in support. According to the polling, back in August, Ford trailed by 17 points. In September, he was behind 11 points. And according to the latest polling, he has cut the lead to within the margin of error to 6 points.
Second, a recent Global Strategy Group poll showed Congressman Ford leading all of his opponents in U.S. Senate campaign.
Finally, Congressman Ford led all his candidates in fundraising for the third quarter and has raised more than any other candidate this year.
Other indicators also support the assertion that Congressman Ford is on his way to a 2006 victory.
According to a November article in the Tennessean a MTSU poll showed that, "Bush's approval rating had plunged from 55% last February to 40% this fall. Support for the war in Iraq also dropped, as did Tennesseans' belief that Bush could achieve political goals such as keeping America prosperous and ensuring Social Security's long-term stability."
"The poll also found that 64% of Tennesseans are unhappy with the nation's direction."
Those numbers coincide with the findings from the latest Quinnipiac University poll.
When asked, "What is your preference for the outcome of the November 2006 congressional elections: a Congress controlled by Republicans or a Congress controlled by Democrats?," 36% of respondents said they would prefer a Republican Congress, while 47% said they would like to see a Democratically controlled Congress.
It is clear: people want change.
Harold Ford represents change, and that is why he will be our next U.S. Senator.
More: On Thursday the National Republican Senatorial Committee showed just how scared they are of Congressman Ford and his campaign for the U.S. Senate.
Out of the 197 people that voted against Thursday's bill, the National Republican Senatorial Committee attacks only who?
You guessed it, Congressman Ford!
That shows you just how scared they are of him and his campaign!