Congressman Ford understood that the Republican tax cut bill was unfair because almost 95% of Tennessee households make under $100,000. Therefore, only a certain few would actually benefit from the Republican bill.
Instead, Congressman Ford voted for the Democratic alternative, which would benefit people all across the board.
This is only one example of how Congressman Ford is fighting for all Tennesseans.
To learn about more ways in which Congressman Ford is fighting for all Tennsseans, please view the list below.
Ways in which Congressman Ford is fighting for all Tennesseans
1) By fighting for a strong Homeland Security system
2) By introducing an amendment to the constitution which would balance the budget
3) By supporting reducing the United States's oil dependence (1)
4) By being a strong supporter of property owner's rights
5) By introducing a new education plan which will move America forward
6) By supporting Americans right to privacy
7) By supporting emergency funding for those vulnerable during this summer's heat wave
8) By voting in favor of keeping jobs in America
9) By fighting for necessary body armor for our men and women in harm's way
10) By coming up with the bold new idea of childhood savings accounts
11) By being a strong supporter of men and women in the workplace
12) By being a catalyst in getting things done during the Hurricane Katrina crisis
13) By offering internships to displaced Gulf region students
14) By supporting much needed relief at the gas pump
15) By fighting to keep the 118th Air Lift Wing in Tennessee
16) By supporting an independent commission to investigate the government's response to Katrina
17) By introducing Disaster Relief Corps legislation
18) By introducing a bill to help charities help communities
19) By fighting for and supporting America's seniors (1)
20) By supporting voting against Congress's annual pay hike
21) By being at the forefront on the issue of disaster preparedness
22) By supporting low income families which adopt children
23) By supporting much needed energy assistance funding
24) By supporting hearings into pre-war intelligence
25) By calling for a fair, fiscally responsible budget
26) By being a strong supporter of America's veterans
27) By securing important funds for education and transportation in Memphis
28) By voting no on Bush's budget
29) By offering a plan for progress in Iraq
30) By fighting for the extension of temporary housing for hurricane victims
31) By supporting the idea of college tuition in return for national service
31) By continuing be a leader in fiscal responsibility
32) By calling for a balanced budget, simplified Medicare drug bill, and a simplified tax code
33) By voting against the unfair Republican tax cut bill
Tennesseans are looking for a change in leadership.
They want a U.S. Senator who will serve everyone, not just a certain few.
As shown by his actions above, Congressman Harold Ford Jr. will do just that.
That is why he will be elected Tennessee's next U.S. Senator in 2006!