More than 50 men and boys, and several women were taught that philosophy and more at the second annual Men's Conference, which was held Saturday at the Bennett Community Center, at 96 O'Neal St. This year's theme was "Elements of a Man: Spirit, Body, and Mind."
"Introduced by Shirlene Mercer, focal speaker U.S. Rep. Harold Ford Jr. spoke about how men should rise up and a make a difference in their communities, their nation and their world.
"We live in a time in which we (the nation) are more misunderstood around the world, more disliked around the world, and more unrespected around the globe than we've been in a long time," Ford said. "The responsibility to change that rests with all of us. ... We've got to start making some different choices and doing the harder things if, indeed, things are going to get better."
Source: The Jackson Sun