Just as they always do when they are bankrupt on ideas, the Republicans resort to misleading the public.
Yesterday was no different when they pushed the false idea that Congressman Ford does not support tax relief.
The fact of the matter is, Congressman Harold Ford Jr. is fighting for a fair and simple tax system for every Tennessean, not just the millionaires and billionaires.
Although millionaires, like Bob Corker, deserve tax cuts just like everyone else, Congressman Ford understands that they shouldn't receive them at the expense of the middle class.
Congressman Ford demonstrated that belief yesterday when he voted against the Republican tax cut bill, which will add more debt to future generations and will hurt working families in Tennessee, while continuing to pad the pockets of millionaires.
Simply put, the bill was wrongheaded and bad for America.
However, not long after yesterday's vote, the National Republican Senatorial Committee issued a misleading release that asserted Congressman Ford voted against tax relief for Tennesseans.
The release was filled with nothing but fabrications and lies.
The truth is Congressman Ford has a long record of supporting tax cuts that make sense.
In fact, just yesterday, Congressman Ford voted for the Democratic substitute tax cut plan which included:
- Extending the deduction for states and local taxes
- Extending the research and experimentation tax credit that promotes innovation
- Extending the Work Opportunity Tax Credit
- Expanding the eligibility to include older people who receive food stamps
And most importantly, unlike the GOP bill, the Democrat plan would address the AMT situation, which is a hidden tax that will hit the middle class in 2006.
The Democrat's bill was also revenue neutral, unlike the Republican version.
Congressman Ford was right fiscally and morally to vote against the Republican tax cut bill for millionaires yesterday.
He understands that we must pay down the debt because if we don't, it will only be passed on to future generations.
That is why he has proposed that we balance the budget, pass a constitutional amendment to do so, and also look at every spending decision Congress has made in the last 2-3 years for potential areas to cut to reduce the deficit.
In November, Ford once again re-affirmed his strong fiscal beliefs when he came out against the Bush budget.
Simply put, Congressman Ford's record on fiscal responsibility is second to none.
Although some in this race may try to portray themselves as being fiscally responsible, the fact remains that there is only one real fiscally responsible candidate and that is Congressman Harold Ford Jr.
As I have pointed out on this blog, since taking power, George W. Bush and the Republican Party have created the largest government in U.S. history.
This government spends more and and taxes the middle class more than any other in U.S. history. (As demonstrated by yesterday's vote on more tax cuts for millionaires)
It badly needs reform. And, as shown by his vote yesterday, Congressman Ford is ready to reform it!
Comments: I think Congressman Ford hit the nail on the head when he pointed this out in his recent release:
“At a time when middle class families in Tennessee - a state where almost 95% of households earn under $100,000 - are working to get ahead, now is not the time to run up more national debt."
I am proud he is fighting for all Tennesseeans, not just a few.