Wednesday was just another example of that.
While commenting about Congressman Ford's letter to Ed Bryant, Blogging for Bryant administrator Jay Bush said the following:
"It worked in the mid-90's when Republicans balanced the budget by cutting taxes and created a record surplus."
What Jay did not tell you was that in 1997, Ed Bryant was one of only of 32 Republicans that voted against the 1997 Balanced Budget Act, a bill which Congressman Ford voted for and was signed into law by then President Clinton and led to unprecedented prosperity.
Heck, even Bryant's buddy Tom Delay voted for the bill!
Speaking of the legislation, Delay said the following, "I rise in support of this legislation that finally balances our Federal budget. It is about time. I have waited my entire adult life for it."
Talk about being out of the mainstream.
The truth of the matter is, the recent acts by Congress do not constitute progress of any kind.
They do nothing but hurt everyday people in Tennessee and around the nation, while awarding millionaires with yet another tax cut.
Bryant has real problems if he thinks adding billions of dollars to the already historic deficit is a small step forward.
Real fiscal policy means lessening the burden of debt on future generations, not adding to it as Ed apparently supports doing.
Bryant may try to portray himself as being fiscally discipline, but the facts speak for themselves.
While Bryant was in Congress, the national debt grew by a whopping $1.5 trillion. ($5,800 per Tennessee citizen)
Put simply, Ed was no fiscal hawk. (Nor is he now)
Harold Ford Jr. is the real fiscally discipline candidate in this race and his record demonstrates that.
More: Wow, big surprise, Blogging for Bryant is misleading folks again today in a new post.
They write, "Ford is dead wrong. He opposes both limiting government growth and lessening the tax burden on Americans, yet says he supports a balanced budget. That leaves only one option for Ford - raise taxes."
"Ford's voted time after time for more spending, while opposing tax cuts for working families."
The fact is, Congressman Ford's record of being fiscally discipline is unparalleled in Congress. That has been established.
Second, Congressman Ford supports logical tax cuts. But right now we have the largest deficits in history, are at war, rebuilding the Gulf Coast, etc., and it simply is not the right time to continue handing out tax cuts to the rich.
If one was to look at Ford's voting record while in Congressman, they would see that he has a long record of voting for smart tax cuts.
Read more about the Congressman's unrivaled fiscal responsibility here! (1) (2)
Also in their new post, they say, "Tennesseans are looking for a U.S. Senator with the political will to balance the budget by controling federal spending and reducing the tax burden." (Implying Ed Bryant will do so)
As I wrote above, Ed Bryant may try to portray himself as the fiscally discipline, but the facts say otherwise.
Bryant was one of only 32 Republicans in Congress to vote against the landmark 1997 Balanced Budget Act. Further, while he was in Congress, the national debt grew by a whopping $1.5 trillion.