The evidence of this claim comes from Tuesday's postings on the TeamGOP blog.
On Tuesday, TeamGOP's Jeff Ward posted two articles saying the exact same thing Blogging for Bryant and Nashville Files tried to falsely spread last week.
Basically the two articles try to perpetuate the idea that Congressman Ford plans to drop out of the U.S. Senate race and become a talk show host on MSNBC.
As I said last week, this rumor ranks up there with the recent rumor that President Bush was going to nominate Congressman Ford to the Supreme Court!
It is laughable, but most of all UNTRUE!
We all know that Ford's opponents want him out of the Senate race, but the voters of Tennessee want him in and that is where he is going to stay from here on out.
The fact of the matter is, the people making these assertions cannot list one credible source to substantiate their claim that Ford is going to drop out and become a talk show host on MSNBC.
This is yet another case where the right wing is willing to say anything to mislead the public about Congressman Ford and his candidacy.
They are really getting desperate folks.
The right wing knows that their party is in trouble.
Tom Delay has been indicted. Scooter Libby has been indicted. Even Tennessee's own, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is under investigation for potential insider trading. Not to mention, the White House just had a failed Supreme Court nominee. And who could forget the failures in the Katrina aftermath?
It is my firm belief that their dysfunction, coupled with the realization they have no vision or new ideas to put forth in this race, is the reason behind why they resort to these kind of baseless attacks.
They know Harold Ford Jr. is the kind of Democrat that can win statewide in Tennessee. They are so afraid of Congressman Ford that they will say anything to make it appear like the Ford campaign is in trouble.
However, the facts say otherwise.
Just yesterday the Zogby poll showed Congressman surging in support. According to the polling, back in August, Ford trailed by 17 points. In September, he was behind 11 points. And now, he has cut the lead to within the margin of error to 6 points.
The progress shown in this poll is backed up by last week's Global Strategy Group poll which showed Congressman Ford leading all of his opponents in U.S. Senate campaign.
It is also backed up by the fact that Congressman Ford led all U.S. Senate candidates in third quarter fundraising.
It seems as though the GOP would learn that their falsehoods and smears are not working on Congressman Ford.
The people of Tennessee love his solutions oriented approach to things and appreciate his dedication to finding real solutions to real problems that face Tennessee and this nation.
That is why he will be our next U.S. Senator.
More: Read what political experts around the nation are saying about Harold Ford Jr. here!
Also, my good friend David Bander has more on this subject at Foward With Ford!