We left there at 8:30am for a late breakfast with my buddy Sid Gilreath and his son and my friend Chris at Rankin's Restaurant. Rankin's is a favorite of the Ritchie family in Knoxville. The food is good and service even better. Sid, Chris and I had a great talk about the race and things we need to do. I can't thank the two of them enough for their friendship and advice. At 9:15am, we left for a meeting with IBEW Local 760 at the soon to open Bass Pro Shop located off I-40 at the Gatlinburg/Sevierville exit. What a job IBEW and all the other contractors have done to make this Bass Pro Shop the envy of the stock. With no detail spared, this place is awesome. I can't wait to go back and spend some money there. I want to thank George Bove, my buddy Brent Hall, George Mays, Richard King, Ray Day, Wayne Wojciechowski, David Garcia, Charles Mink, Jr., Nathan Edgar, Frank Anderson, Richard Ellis and Frog Jones for making everything just right.

We left around 12:30pm for Oak Ridge for a brief meeting with Paul Randolph and the Machinists Union. I thank them for their support and help provided already in this campaign. After bumperstickering some cars, we left for a meeting in Lebanon, Tennessee with my friend and influential political columnist Clint Brewer. We ate at the Sunset Restaurant, and the food was good. It was so good I had the catfish and chicken and dumplings plus the collard greens. I thank the wonderful staff of the restaurant for their kindness. Aside from having to spend an extra 25 minutes on the exercise bike, I loved every minute of it.
From there we left for a fundraiser hosted by my friend Tommy Bernard at his offices in Nashville. It took two hours to get there. He and his staff are the best. I want to thank Douglas Small, John Donnelly, Andy Cox, John Hooper, Mark Robin and Kim Conrad, especially Tommy's assistant, Pat Suttle, for making the event a success. And, I thank Tommy for his candor and commitment to what we are doing. My good buddy Bill Luchesi deserves great credit on this event because without him, I wouldn't have met Tommy on the terms I did.

From there, we traveled downtown to the Hilton for the Young Leaders Council's 20th Anniversary Dinner, where I was the keynote speaker thanks to my friends Brian Taylor and Charles Robert Bone. What a crowd they had. I spoke about the need for our generation - since the audience was mainly comprised of 25 to 40 year old Nashville business, political and civic leaders - to step up and lead. The answers to America's challenges compel new ideas and approaches that only our generation can bring because of our diverse and rich experiences. Joined by my friends James Crumlin, Adrian Granderson and Angela Hamilton, I enjoyed the dinner and appreciated seeing my good buddy David Ewing as well.
I left there for the airport for a late flight back to DC. I arrived in DC shortly before 1:00am, and caught an 8:00am flight out to Detroit with several of my colleagues to attend Ms. Rosa Parks' funeral. She was truly an American original and hero. I, and all of us, owe her a debt of gratitude for her courage and resolve. We should pay her back by being better citizens and humanitarians.
Via: Campaign email