According to the survey taken by Global Strategy Group, Ford leads each of his possible Republican opponents for the November 2006 election. Ford leads failed 2002 Senate contender Ed Bryant 38 percent - 37 percent, failed 2002 gubernatorial nominee Van Hilleary 40 percent - 38 percent and failed 1994 Senate candidate Bob Corker 39 percent - 36 percent.
“I have been conducting survey research in Tennessee for years and the results of this poll, coupled with current national trends, show that Congressman Ford can win, “ said Harrison Hickman, Partner at Global Strategy Group. Harrison Hickman served as senior political advisor recently for U.S. Senator Mark Pryor, when he was elected in 2002 and former U.S. Senator John Edwards, when he was elected in 1998. Hickman’s current clients in Tennessee include 8th District Congressman John Tanner and State Senator Roy Herron – he also served as pollster for former Tennessee Governor Ned McWherter in both of his gubernatorial wins.
The survey results show marked declines in Tennesseans' favorability towards President George Bush and U.S. Senate Majority leader Bill Frist. However, the poll also reported that Tennessee voters did not penalize Harold Ford, Jr. because of their feelings about his uncle, State Sen. John Ford. In fact, Ford's position is stronger in this survey than Global Strategy Group's last poll in March. In the Democratic primary, Ford leads State Senator Rosalind Kurita 5-to-1. While Ford's strength among Democrats has increased since the last poll in March, Kurita's has declined.
"The Global Strategy Group Poll clearly shows that the people of Tennessee are unhappy with the direction of the country. They want change; change in leadership, change in policies, and especially change in the character of government and many of the people in it. They are concerned about issues that matter most in their lives. They are not being distracted by irrelevancies and see in Harold Ford, Jr. a hopeful change for a better future," said Jim Hester, Harold Ford, Jr.'s Campaign Manager.
Read the poll memo here!
Extra: Read more on Congressman Ford's growing momentum here!