A look at the Congressman's big week ahead is below:
U.S. Senate candidate Harold Ford Jr. will host a barbecue rally in honor of veterans, and our men and women in uniform as part of his "New Generation of Leadership" bus tour beginning Monday in Tri-Cities. Ford will be joined by former Virginia Governor Mark Warner. The rally, which is open to everyone, will be from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Monday, April 10, at Headquarters, 2/278th Armored Cavalry Regiment, 4401 West Stone Dr., Kingsport. "Tennesseans are hungry for a new generation of leadership," Rep. Ford said.
"We know this country of ours has no problems it cannot solve -- if we work together to reach across party lines and get things done." "From Mountain City to Memphis, Tennesseans are not just saying no to the partisanship that is crippling our government, they are saying yes to a new way of working together. All of us -- farmers and laborers, students and seniors, businesswomen and fathers, investors and clergy -- together we can and will change Washington. "My travels across the state are proving that, above all, people want leadership and answers from government," Ford said.
"They want leadership that is neither liberal or conservative, left or right. They want leaders who will talk straight, tell the truth, and do what is best for Tennessee and the country. They want leaders who think more about solving problems than scoring political points, who aren't afraid of the truth, afraid of change, or afraid of a good idea. "That's why I'm coming to the Tri-Cities, and that's why I'm touring the state. It is time for a change. Tennessee and America deserve better. It is time for a new generation of leadership."
Congressman Ford is scheduled earlier that day to address students at Blountville Middle School at 8:30 a.m., tour the AFG Glass Plant in Church Hill at 10 a.m., attend the Tri-Cities Airport Rotary Club at noon, and tour the Kingsport Housing and Redevelopment Authority at 2:30 p.m. On Tuesday, Ford's statewide bus tour takes him to Greene County before heading west to stops in Knoxville and then to Chattanooga. The Congressman's tour will include stops in Cookeville and Nashville on Wednesday. On Thursday, he will be joined by war hero and former Senator Max Cleland of Georgia for a veterans' breakfast in Clarksville, and stops in rural west Tennessee before concluding with a campaign headquarters opening in Memphis.
If the Congressman is going to be anywhere close to your area in the coming week, make sure you make the trip out and show your support for our next U.S. Senator!
Ford For Tennessee! Ford For Tennessee! Ford For Tennessee!
96 Days
Days of Congressional Inaction on Ethics
Above is the number of days that have passed since Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty to bribing Congressman.
It is also the number of days in which Congress has failed to pass an ethics reform bill that would limit private travel, ski and golf junkets, and would call for a full disclosure of expenses by lobbyists on members of Congress.
It is time for Congress to step up and pass an ethics reform bill that would do all of the above. In addition, it is time to end the pork barrel spending system as we know it and establish an independent ethics commission that would review ethics complaints against members of Congress.
I am proud Congressman Harold Ford Jr. is fighting for that reform!
Read Congressman Ford's call for reform of the House rules here!