They know he is making serious inroads each and everyday on what once was a Republican stronghold in Tennessee.
Their fear can be seen best in their ritual of attacks against the Congressman.
Apparently, I am not the only one who has noticed that the Republicans are afraid of Ford:
- Newsweek says NRSC's attack website reveal Republican's fear: "The very existence of the site also reveals something about the Republicans: they are so worried about Ford's candidacy they're going negative five months before the primary." Newsweek 03/27/06
- New Republican attack site tells you the Republicans are worried: "I think the congressman (Ford) has a legitimate shot to be our next senator," Geer said. That the Republicans "are doing fancyford.com tells you they are worried." The Tennessean 03/23/06
- Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ed Bryant knows Congressman Ford can not be taken for granted: "Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ed Bryant told the Chattanooga Pachyderm Club on Monday that the GOP cannot take Democrat Harold Ford Jr. for granted. "Republicans do not have an absolute lock on this Senate seat," he said." Chattanoogan, 07/16/05
- Republicans fret over Ford's potential like no other: "Despite it all, Republicans fret over Ford's potential like no other Democrat seeking the seat being vacated by Majority Leader Bill Frist." AP, 06/12/05
- Scripps Howard predicts a Ford victory in 2006: Upsets: Rep. Harold Ford, D-Tenn., beats impossible odds to defeat Republican Bob Corker for the Senate seat. Scripps Howard News Service 12/23/05
- In the most recent quarter, Congressman Ford led all candidates vying for the U.S. Senate in fundraising. "Democratic U.S. Senate hopeful Harold Ford Jr. said Tuesday he raised more than $1 million in the final three months of 2005, edging Republican candidate Bob Corker who is expected to report raising $850,000. "We'll have the resources to run a winning campaign," predicted U.S. Rep. Ford, D-Tenn." Chattanooga Times Free Press, 01/06
- According to The Hill, Harold Ford's candidacy is giving Republicans heartburn: "Tennessee, which has twice backed President Bush, is giving some Republicans heartburn, with the GOP Senate contenders attacking their opponents' conservative credentials while Rep. Harold Ford (D-Tenn.) out fundraises his Republican rivals and aggressively canvasses the state." The Hill, 10/05/05
- The Cook Political Report ranks TN US Senate race as one of the few toss ups in the nation in 2006: TN US Senate race is ranked a "toss-up" by the widely respected Charlie Cook Political Report. 02/24/06
- Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ed Bryant knows Congressman Ford can not be taken for granted: "Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ed Bryant told the Chattanooga Pachyderm Club on Monday that the GOP cannot take Democrat Harold Ford Jr. for granted. "Republicans do not have an absolute lock on this Senate seat," he said." Chattanoogan, 07/16/05
- Conservative on-line publication RedState.org says the Tennessee US Senate seat is "very real risk of Republican loss", "And thus, a Senate seat that should be safely red has now become an absolute toss-up, with a very real risk of Republican loss." RedState.org, 08/31/05
- Top Ed Bryant adviser says "it's going to take a significant amount of resources to keep Senator Frist's seat from falling in Democratic hands": Sonny Scott, an adviser to Mr. Bryant, said Rep. Ford has an impressive national spotlight and will be well funded in the race. "It'll be a huge race for Republicans," he said. "It's going to take a significant amount of resources to keep Senator Frist's seat from falling in Democratic hands." Chattanooga Times Free Press, 07/25/05
- Frank Luntz stated that if Harold Ford Jr. was a leader in the Democratic Party, the party would be heading towards a majority because Ford understands that you have to stand for something: "Truth is, if they had Rahm Emanuel [of Illinois] or Harold Ford [of Tennessee], they would be heading towards, in the direction of, a majority because the two of them understand that you have to stand for something - [that] you cannot win just by being negative." Christian Science Monitor, 10/26/05
- Conservative-leaning newspaper "The Washington Times" called Harold Ford Jr. "the kind of Democrat that Republicans should fear": "A young, black politician with deep Tennessee roots, Mr. Ford is the kind of Democrat that Republicans should fear. In a caucus that lacks both ideas and energy, he is full of both. Washington Times, 11/12/02
- Ford's message plays well among a wide range of voters: "Ford's young, handsome, well-spoken and can get a crowd going. He's carefully positioned himself as a moderate Democrat, skilled at pitching a conservative-leaning message many think could play well among a range of voters... He's also spoken out strongly in support of the military's effort in Iraq, and sided with "Blue Dog" Democrats on reducing the federal deficit." AP, 06/12/05
- Moderate record and demonstrated ability to appeal to votes across racial lines: "Ford, who is black, has compiled a moderate record and demonstrated an ability to appeal to votes across racial lines -- the latter of which will be key in a state whose population is less than 17 percent black." National Journal's Congress Daily, 08/05/05
- Harold Ford Junior, a congressman from Memphis regarded as one of the Democrats' few bright hopes in the South" The Economist, 06/04/05
Clearly, the Republicans are attacking Congressman Ford because he is the front runner in this race; plain and simple.
He is leading in fundraising, the polls, and every other meaningful indicator.
The people of Tennessee are ready for change and that is why Congressman Ford's support base in getting bigger each and every day.
It is also why the Republicans are issuing attacks on the Congressman at a historical rate.
However, their attacks will not stand because the people of Tennessee's desire for change carries far more weight than any attack the Republicans can issue.
78 Days
Days of Congressional Inaction on Ethics
Above is the number of days that have passed since Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty to bribing Congressman.
It is also the number of days in which Congress has failed to pass an ethics reform bill that would limit private travel, ski and golf junkets, and would call for a full disclosure of expenses by lobbyists on members of Congress.
It is time for Congress to step up and pass an ethics reform bill that would do all of the above. In addition, it is time to end the pork barrel spending system as we know it and establish an independent ethics commission that would review ethics complaints against members of Congress.
I am proud Congressman Harold Ford Jr. is fighting for that reform!
Read Congressman Ford's call for reform of the House rules here!