However, that move is meeting resistance from people such as Congressman Ford who has been a life long supporter of the program.
That is backed up by his voting record:
- Congressman Ford voted to provide $407 million for the AmeriCorps community service program. (HR 2620, 11/08/01)
- Congressman Ford voted against a Stearns, R-Fla., amendment that would cut $12 million in operations funding for AmeriCorps grants. (Amdt to HR 261, 7/25/03)
- Congressman Ford supported $480 million for the AmeriCorps community service program (HR 2861, 7/25/2003)
- Congressman Ford voted against a Price, R-Ga., amendment that would add $70 million to the Teacher Incentive Fund, offset by a cut in operations funding for AmeriCorps grants. (Amdt to HR 3010, 6/24/2005)
This a direct opposite of Ed Bryant and Van Hilleary's voting record on AmeriCorps.
Both voted time and time again to slash or eliminate the program.
The differences on this issue between the candidates could not be more clear.
Congressman Ford clearly understands the importance of programs that help people get ahead in life.