As I have said on this blog this week, I believe it all has to do with race. The Republicans chose one person to go after and it is Congressman Ford. Do you think they would do it to a non-black or hispanic candidate? I don't think so. And they have not.
Further evidence of that is the Republicans inability to answer my question of why the viciously attack the Congressman Ford for something each and everyone of them do on a regular basis.
This week I have already pointed out that Bill Frist and President Bush love the luxurious lifestyle.
Today we will have a look at one of Congressman Ford's 2006 Senate opponents: Van Hilleary.
The following excerpts details how back in 2002, Van held a big fundraiser on a yacht appraised at a whopping $20 million. (Knoxville News-Sentinel, May 14, 2002)
"GOP supporters of Van Hilleary shelled out $ 500 each to meet their gubernatorial candidate Monday in a private fund raiser aboard a 175-foot yacht owned by wealthy Chattanooga businessman Henry Luken."
"The Republicans meeting Hilleary were ferried to the yacht from a pontoon boat docked at Volunteer Landing. Reporters were not allowed to attend. About 100 supporters were expected, but the threat of inclement weather kept some away."
The following excerpt come from the The Columbian (May 16, 2001) and details just how extravagant and expensive the yacht Van partied on was:
"The Tennessee multimillionaire was in Vancouver last week to take possession of the Liquidity, his custom-designed 155-foot luxury yacht crafted at Christensen Shipyards. With a price tag of almost $ 20 million, it's the most expensive pleasure craft ever created by the Vancouver company."
The more the Republicans attack Congressman Ford in this fashion, the more they show their true colors.