Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Blogosphere Buzz About Congressman Ford

The Stanzel's Space blog has some interesting musings about Tuesday night's State of the Union Speech.

Making the list was our very own Congressman Ford!

"A few random thoughts and my own best/worst list from the State of the Union address:

"Democrat most likely to get a promotion: Rep. Harold Ford Jr. Tennessee is trending toward the GOP, but Rep. Ford has always struck me as a very sharp guy. Young, moderate, good sense of humor, not in the mold of most D's. The other politicians in his family are making it hard for him with their extensive legal and ethical troubles and the R's in the race will certainly run a good campaign. But, he shouldn't be underestimated. Sitting next to Lieberman was a good choice for him."

The Suburban Ecstasies blog also has some very positive commentary regarding Congressman Ford.

"I just saw, in the gallery, a future President of the United States: Representative Harold Ford, Jr. (D-TN). I swear the man snacks on charisma bars throughout the day. Somehow I find him terribly reassuring."

Great job Congressman!