Thursday, January 26, 2006

Acclaim for Congressman Ford's, "Make America Competitive Again Act," Plus Commentary

It seems everyone these days is singing the praises of Congressman Harold Ford Jr.

following piece was written by Right Democrat on the Booker Rising blog.

It speaks highly of Congressman Ford's
"Make America Competitive Again Act," and also sets the record straight about Congressman Ford's distinguished Congressional record.

"Harold Ford has some great ideas that would help to make America competitive again. If the voters of Tennesee pay any attention to issues, they will elect Ford to the Senate in a landslide."

I think the description of Congressman Ford as a moderate-liberal is somewhat unfair. Granted, Harold Ford is liberal compared to some far right wing Republican on some issues, but overall I think he would be most accurately classified as a centrist. Ford would certainly be viewed as a conservative compared to many Congressional Democrats. In fact, he is a fiscal conservative who supports a balanced budget amendment, favors a hawkish foreign policy, is moving toward the right on gun control and supports a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage. I would say that puts Ford on the center to right in terms of his positions on economic, social and foreign policy."