Monday, October 03, 2005

Ford Calls On Corker, Bryant and Hilleary To Denounce Bennett's Abortion Remarks

On his syndicated radio show last Wednesday, former U.S. Education Secretary William Bennett said that one sure way to reduce crime would be to kill black babies. Many have called for an apology, including Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. but so far none of his Republican opponents for U.S. Senate have.

In response to this, Congressman Ford said today:

"Two days ago, I, along with many other people of faith, denounced former Education Secretary William Bennett's immoral comments regarding the killing of black babies. But, there has been not one word from the three Republicans running for the U.S. Senate. As a matter of fact, not one Congressional or Senate Republican leader has denounced Bennett's remarks or demanded an apology. Is there a double standard applied by my three Republican opponents? I believe it speaks to one of the many differences between them and me when it comes to values and public service. Corker, Bryant and Hilleary should denounce Bennett’s abortion remarks immediately."

More: Just a quick FYI, it appears that Bill Bennett has personally campaigned for Van Hilleary in the past.

"Bredesen pointed out that the Core Curriculum is the same education program touted by leading conservatives nationwide, including U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige and conservative author/educator Bill Bennett, both of whom have campaigned for Hilleary." --Commercial Appeal, 11/02/02

Comments: After reading and hearing a handful of Republicans regarding Bennett's comments in the past few days, it seems to me they just don't get it.

This is from Jay Bush:

Why should a U.S. Senate candidate denounce Bennett? He's not an elected official of any sort. He's a private citizen with a radio show that only airs on four stations in Tennessee. The only connection between the GOP Senate candidates and Bennett is their party affiliation.

Well for one Jay, it doesn't matter if Bennett is a private citizen. He is a proven ally of the Republican party (he even camapaigned for Van) and is embraced by most within the party. Secondly, Bennett's comments advocated killing babies. Republicans claim to be the party of family values and morals, yet they are silent when their leaders make comments such as this?

If a Democrat would have said something of this sort, they would have been run out of town. So why are they giving Bennett a pass? It is simply disgraceful on all fronts.

This is akin to the Republican's response to Mike Brown's job at FEMA: no denouncement. It appears this is a re-occuring theme with these three.

The people of this great state and nation are ready for a change from this kind of leadership. Harold Ford Jr. provides that change.

Note: This blog is going to track exactly how long it takes (if they actually ever do) the Republican candidates to denounce Mr. Bennett's comments .

Silence Tracker: 6 Days

It has now been 6 days without any word from Ed Bryant, Van Hilleary, and Bob Corker regarding Bill Bennett's offensive and indefensible comments.

Note: This post was originally made on Saturday afternoon, but is being moved up to Monday so it will remain at the top of the blog for the first of the new week.