Thursday, October 27, 2005

Congressman Ford Introduces Earthquake Preparedness Legislation; To Speak At Public Forum

Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. announced today that he has introduced the National Earthquake Preparedness, Response and Recovery Act, a comprehensive bill to reduce loss of life, property, human suffering and economic disruption as the result of a catastrophic earthquake.
  • Ensure that the Director of FEMA meets the highest professional qualifications as determined by professional emergency management associations. These qualifications include experience in emergency management, and fulfilling the criteria set forth by the International Association of Emergency Mangers to be a Certified Emergency Manager.
  • Providing financial incentives that help schools, home owners, business owners, and governments strengthen their facilities. This would address the need to upgrade the majority of structures in the Memphis area that are not able to withstand a massive earthquake.
  • The Establishment of an earthquake disaster and recovery planning grant program that gives critical local institutions (i.e. hospitals, schools, police stations) the ability to create comprehensive earthquake preparation, mitigation and response plans, therefore allowing them to maintain full functionality in the event of an earthquake.
  • Provide adequate funding for the Advanced National Seismic Research and Monitoring System and the Central United States Earthquake Consortium. ANSS has a network of seismic monitoring and communication instruments that detect earthquakes at their epicenter providing vital seconds of warning. Fully funding the Central Earthquake Consortium in Memphis would help coordinate preparedness and response efforts, in addition to research.
In a statement, Congressman Ford said, "As a result of the lack of investments that many urged long before the tragedy in New Orleans, Congress is currently making difficult and unpopular choices to pay for the costs of Hurricane Katrina. We cannot afford to make the same mistakes again. For my part, I will work tirelessly for a comprehensive earthquake plan on the front end that will not only save money on the back end, but, more importantly, will save lives."


WHO: Congressman Harold Ford

WHAT: Public Forum on Earthquakes and Preparedness

WHERE: University of Memphis
Michael D. Rose Theatre & Lecture Hall

WHEN: 7:00-9:00pm Friday, October 28, 2005